Docked next to us in Elizabeth City was a couple from Annapolis on a 33′ sailboat. They are on a 2nd week of a 4 weeks south bound vacation but the wife told us that they’re turning back tomorrow since the husband doesn’t like cruising – she said her husband think it’s too difficult, too uncomfortable, and too cold but she loves this lifestyle and wants to continue on. We tried to comfort her as she tried to hold back her tears. Their original plan was to sail south as far as they can in 4 weeks then leave the boat wherever they endup then decide what to do for next year.

This morning as we were ready to cast off, the woman came up to us and asked if they can follow us and guide them through a potentially challenging crossing of the Albemarle Sound (apparently she was able to convince her husband to continue on).

The Albemarle Sound is one of the most unique sounds on the Outer Banks as it gradually transitions from a fun saltwater playground bordering the beaches to a series of mainland estuaries and streams that wind deep into the heart of North Carolina and even Virginia.

Sailing south on Albemarle Sound is first of the few sometimes challenging bodies of water on the Norfolk to Miami section of the ICW. The 14-mile crossing can be very sloppy because winds from any quarter tends to funnel either up or down the long, straight sound. Because of its uniformly shallow depth, even a light wind can quickly create rough confused seas. To further complicate matters, crab buoys may appear anywhere, including the narrowest parts of channels.

With 2 boats following us, we felt an extra sense of urgency, something that we were not looking forward to. But we crossed the Albemarle Sound safely into the Alligator River. At the head of the river we entered the Alligator River-Pungo River Canal. A few miles into the canal, we found a peaceful anchorage to rest for the night. We slept well knowning that we were able to help our fellow mariners to overcome some challenges.

Tomorrow we’ll transit the canal and head for Belhaven, NC.