New Jersey coast presents a headache for many sailboats with deep keels. Span roughly 150 miles of shoreline, there are only a few navigable entrances available. Traveling from NY, Barnegat Bay is the first port, 52 NM from Brooklyn. We set sail for Barnegat at dawn.
According to the US Army Corps of Engineering, Barnegat Inlet is one of the most dangerous inlets on the East Coast from a navigation standpoint.
After 10 hours of northeasterly sailing, we arrived at the red & white entrance buoy under the worst possible condition, ebbing tide against NE wind, a big problem when ‘shooting inlets’. We see whirlpools of white water caused by the cross-currents at the ‘entrance bar’ … and the entrance jetties that submerge at near high tide. The problem with these inlets is that you can’t see over the backs of waves as you enter to see the ‘washing machine’ in the throat of the inlet … until its too late to turn back out.
Our strategy is to SLOW DOWN and not let the surfs overtaken the bow. This allows our boat not to turn sideways and to better maintain control. Slowly and steadily, fists clenched, heart racing, adrenaline pumping, we roller coastered into the inner bay and set anchor for the night at Meyer’s Hole. What a stressful ending to today’s passage.
Tomorrow we head for Atlantic City.

Wow Claudia… My heart was pounding just reading about it. Excited for you!
Yes… however, Blueheart Is more stressful 💕💋💋
Lol, I can imagine you are correct Claudia. I have never experienced such high swells, but storms eventually pass …BlueHeart continually churns up stress.
Yes it does 😩😜😘
Congratulations Jimmy and Claudia fearless sailors of the high seas for great strategies navigating through the nightmare Barnaget Bay crazy scary soup…more than white knuckles heart pumping all the way I’m sure…my money’s on you guys always up for the challenge choosing wisely….also congrats on retirement and following up on your dream trip most only talk about …enjoy Atlantic City and some well deserved down time.👍
Thanks captain Dave, for the kind words and confidence in believing. It means a world to us coming from you. Our days aren’t always perfect but we’re always thankful for having the opportunity to try and follow through with our plans. Sometimes in heavy weather, I occasionally see small crafts, 15-20 ft out there casting their reels, bouncing like a yo-yo, no fancy electronics, chartplotters or radar. Only fishing gear and coolers, not a hint of fear. I’m quickly humbled by these die heart fishermen. They are the real fearless bunch. I’m sure you’ve seen many in your days.
Amazing description of a challenging sail…have you ever been to that port before? Glad you are safe and ready to play Black Jack and go to the boat show..Time to relax!
Just got back from my first round of blackjack …( broke even ) now I need a hot shower , I would love your outdoor shower right now 😍
Let’s see if Lady Luck is good to me after dinner 💕💋💕
Phew!! So happy you made it safely into Barnegat Bay!!
Love that you have Atlantic City next!! Claudia I want details!
If I win big I’ll send pictures!!! I’ll even play 25 on the roulette table for you💕
Yikes! That sounds nerve wreaking! I’m glad you were able to navigate it safely. May that be the worst you see. Travel on safely! Enjoy Atlantic City!
Sally may on my way back you can meet me here and practice your BlackJack skills to
You know how much I love gambling!
I do know !!! Everyone has a different gift they bring to the table .. yours is teaching / coaching 💕💕💕
Wow, that’s scary, glad you are safe and hope today is an easier sail 🙏
Yahoo !!! We made it out safely … on to Atlantic City .. I’ll be playing blackjack and Jim will be attending the in the water boat show .. let’s see who spends more money ? Take a guess 🧐
Hope you hit the big one Claud!!
So far, I broke even … however the night is still young 😜💕💋💕
Oh Boy! (Or should I say Oh Buoy), stay safe!!! And I hope you packed plenty of dramamine.
Forget about the Dramamine I took out the rosaries😳😳.. The picture doesn’t do it justice… it was crazy.. I felt like we were in the movie the perfect storm… yikes😩