City island to Brooklyn 32NM – We left City Island yacht club early to catch favorable current to NYC. A fresh hot coffee in hand we take on the infamous East River.
The East River’s reputation as a tricky passage is well deserved. Successfully running Hell Gate is primarily a matter of good timing. Current here runs up to 5 knots and boils at the surface. Named by the Dutch explorer Adriaen Block, as the waters here have bedeviled mariners for centuries. Thanks to good planning, our passage through Hell Gate was mostly uneventful.
Passing the United Nations HQ was an incredible feeling. FDR traffic was jammed packed and so close that you could throw a rock onto the road. We past five bridges including the Brooklyn Bridge where 173 movies were made ( the last one in 2021, House of Gucci ). We exited East River and was greeted by Ellis island and the all majestic Lady Statue of Liberty.
Rounding Manhattan then taking a left towards Brooklyn, we saw hundreds of barges and cargos anchored in NY harbor waiting their turns for the loading docks – supply chain shortage in action.
As we make our way into Brooklyn, we passed Coney Island, a lovely sight of the world famous amusement park right by the sea. We anchored at Sheepshead Bay, a predominantly Eastern European neighborhood. Can’t wait to go on land and have some delicious Russian cuisine and explore the city.

Just popping in to wish you a good evening! Thanks for the history lessons. May your journey be free of incident. 😀
Thanks for the well wishes! We already had our first incident (batteries not recharging , hopefully fixed today )🤗
You need to get a little St Christopher (patron saint of travels) for the boat. Although I heard he he was dethroned. 🥺 He was my favorite so I refuse to believe it lol. 😇
Thanks for thinking of our safety. Actually, my friend bought me a guardian angel metal to protect us… great minds think alike. 💕
I love it!!!
To top it off… I had meat for dinner too😘
What a great day you are having.
That’s a beautiful picture.
Enjoy the rest of your day ⛵️
Thanks Beth!! She sure was a beautiful sight to sail by💕